June 19: Public Workshop on Highway 97 improvements
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is inviting the public to an upcoming workshop to provide input on potential long-term safety improvements for Highway 97 through Lake Country.
The public input received will help direct the newly launched Highway 97 Lake Country Transportation Planning Study, a two-year comprehensive transportation plan that will identify and assess options to improve safety and transportation on Highway 97.
The study area will extend from Duck Lake to Lodge Road in Lake Country, with a focus on the Glenmore/Beaver Lake Road intersection.
The workshop will use a “world café” format, where people gather at tables to discuss a variety of related topics provided by the host before sharing their ideas with the wider group.
The media and public are welcome to attend the workshop below.
Event date: Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location: Lake Country Seniors Centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Lake Country
Space is limited, so participants are asked to register their name and the number in their party by Tuesday, June 18, to: 97lakecountrystudy@gov.bc.ca
Learn More:
For more information on the Highway 97 Lake Country Planning Study, visit: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/transportation-reports-and-reference/reports-studies/okanagan/highway-97-lake-country-planning-study-glenmore-beaver-lake-road?keyword=lake&keyword=country&keyword=transportation
For additional Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure engagement opportunities, visit: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/govtogetherbc/