Mobility Master Plan - The Mobility Master Plan - adopted by Council in 2021. This replaces the Transportation for Tomorrow Plan from 2012. The Mobility Master Plan has a number of objectives, include improving active transportation across Lake Country. VIEW HERE
The Mobility Improvement Program - adopted by Council in September 2022. The Program is the practical implementation of the Plan and included an audit of all the roads in Lake Country. Under the Program Road Wentworth, Maki, Schaad, Toby, Whisky Cove and Coral Beach Road (including unpaved section) are due for pavement renewal in 2024. VIEW HERE
DRAFT Official Community Plan 2018-2038 - VIEW HERE
The 2018 Draft updated Official Community Plan (OCP) is now available for your review. Take a look through it and let DLC know what you think by emailing with your comments and feedback. The CLC&RA has created a working group to discuss the draft OCP and provide a response - get involved by contacting Cara Reed ( or keep an eye on our community notice boards.
Draft Parks & Recreation Master Plan (May 2018) - VIEW HERE
Created by the Parks & Recreation Committee this updates the previous version (1999) and the DLC are looking for your constructive feedback so theyn improve this high level plan. Email feedback to
Coral Beach Park Survey March 2018
Transportation for Tomorrow -VIEW HERE
Carr's Landing Sector Plan 2006
Version B – March 1st, 2006 – Carr’s Landing Community & Recreation Association reviewed, revised and “Approved
Check out the following maps and diagrams (updated January 31 2006) by clicking on their names below:
Carr's Landing Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) Map
Carr's Landing Future Land Use Map
Carr's Landing Future Road Network Map
Carr's Landing Infrastructure Map
Carr's Landing Parks & Recreation Map